Housekeeping Service
Housekeeping services are provided upon availability and fees are charged at an hourly rate. This helps home owners to stay within a budget without sacrificing the service offered. No contracts, no flat fees, no guess work.
Advance notice is needed to set a date for cleaning as we are a small company. Next day cleaning is not available.
After departure we will arrange to clean the home, all laundry will be completed, fresh sheets on the beds, perishable foods discarded, refrigerator cleaned, ice maker emptied and turned off, checking all cabinets and drawers for food and crumbs, empty all trash, bring in patio furniture, set up a dehumidifier if necessary, close all blinds and hurricane shutters, unplug appliances upon request, unplug or turn breaker off to water heater, turn off main water, set air conditioner to proper setting, check garage and exterior property, secure windows and doors and set the alarm.
Before arrival we will open blinds and shutters, plug in appliances, turn on breakers and prepare ice maker, adjust air conditioner to desired temperature, clean the patio and set out patio furniture, clean front entry, lightly freshen through all rooms, vacuum and mop floors and sweep garage.
Please inquire or request a price list for services
Business hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm